SLH Thursday Kick Start

This SLJ kick start was about discovering a new marine species, and creating it in Polypad.

First, I watched a tutorial on how to work poly pad. I used shapes, lines, and arrows to create a crab like creature.

Next, I thought about on how it would hunt, eat, transport around the ocean. I made it a very nice looking creature that walks and swims on the seabed.

Lastlty, I added the mouth and eyballs. I then bloged the kick start task.

Kick Start – Thursday Fish And Chips Menu.

This Kickstart I had to create a special fish and chips menu, including a whole new name, shop, and menu.

First I made a Google slides. I started on the layout, name and the differences and simmalarities. The name was “Pick Your Chips” it sounded similar, just a bit different.

Next I started to include different foods like, gravy, fried chicken, salsa, coleslaw, and even spicy chips. I made the design, adding a vending machine and drinks.

Lastly I added the prices, desserts and tables. I had made my own Fish and chips.

LS1 Class Of 2024 T-Shirt

Thisw week for writing I did a task making a shirt representing LS1’s improvement throughout the terms.

First I Logged into a app called Adobe Express.  It is similar to apps like, Pixton, Google drive, or any templates.

Next I went to link that had been linked to the first template. The T-shirt, It consisted of a shirt and a tutorial. The tutorial showcased on how to create the shirt. The shirt read “Class of 20**” along with the other basics.

Lastly I colored the shirt, adding decals, and designs. Making a Class of 2024 T-Shirt.


Papyrus AI Sory Making.

LI: To write a narrative from an AI prompt

This week we got to explore Papyrus AI in Writing.  Papyrus AI is a generative AI which has to do with creating things. We used it to help us write a narrative story that incorporated two different fairy tales : Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid.  Papyrus asked us for our ideas, and gave us feedback to improve our paragraphs, until we had completed our whole narrative story. I liked that it was very easy to understand and use. Here is my story :

          Sorce: Google

Ariel was a red-headed mermaid whose beauty was admired by every fish in the sea. She lived in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean in the lost castle of Atlantis, hidden by colourful reefs. One day, Ariel went to the surface and saw a sailing boat, where she spotted a handsome prince. As the boat passed by, she recognised her father walking with a woman her age. Her father fell into the water, and Ariel saved him. That’s how Ariel met her long-lost sister, Belle—they had been separated during childhood due to a bad bond between them.

The two sisters reconnected and shared their lives with each other. Ariel told Belle about the prince she had seen, describing him as having a strong soul and a great face, while Belle was faced with an unfortunate situation of falling for a beastly-looking prince. Belle’s father had been imprisoned and got sick, prompting his release, and Belle took the punishment in his place. Despite the appearance of her prince, Belle felt as if he was becoming nicer.

As they spent more time together, Ariel decided to meet the prince and discovered that the prince was Daniel, with whom she started a relationship. Ariel asked Belle if she had feelings for her own prince. Returning to the prison, Belle found the beast prince dying. Remembering his kindness and realising her true feelings, she declared, “I love you!” He transformed back into his human form, revealing that he was under a spell. The sisters soon discovered that the princes were brothers.

Shocked by the incredible coincidence, the sisters laughed off the surprising twists of fate. Their story taught them the importance of seeing beyond appearances and valuing the bonds of family and love. It demonstrated that even strained relationships could be healed with understanding and compassion.


Party Plans

This week for maths LS1 made slides about designing and organizing a class party.

First I chose a group to join, then was sent a checklist. I made a slide that i later sent to my group. I was assigned to diffrent task through the checklist, mostly caulculating the prices, and making difrent drinks.

Next I decorated the slides afterwards for about 2 – 3 days. I also had to keep doing dificult caulculating as more things were added. I added the budget and passed it a day later, it was mostly the snacks the priced everything up. I tried to keep the price low using budget items or homemade stuff.

Lastly I and my group added further details like the layout and the designs, lights, baloons and more. I then prestend the task with our group.

African Masks

This week for reading LS1 learnt a little bit about the african culture, including the spirits and the clothing.

First, I made a copy of the slides,  they were about the mask meanings, what we could infer about them, and a passage about the culture.

Next, I got quized about the african culture and masks. They even quized me about where specific countries masks mean.

Lastly, I bloged.



Today, we discussed what it means to follow the LS1 Way. We went over our two class rules—showing respect to everyone and following instructions quickly—and identified specific actions that help us keep our classroom focused and positive. After writing about what the LS1 Way looks like, we created posters to remind us of these expectations. Our posters will help everyone remember to stay on task, keep a good attitude, and follow the LS1 Way every day, even when Miss Tele’a isn’t with us.


Following the LS1 Way helps create a respectful and organised learning environment, so we can succeed and support each other in the classroom.


Lynley Dodd

This week I made a DLO abouth a famous author named Lynley Dodd, the maker of the legendary hairy maclary.

First, I found a photo of the author, and then started researching, I added the information and then started to fact check all the information.

Next I added some fun facts, like kids and age, the realse date of the best book ever, (hairy Maclary)

Lastly I bloged the task.